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Robe­co ist eine inter­na­tionale Fonds­ge­sellschaft mit einem umfassenden Ange­bot aktiv ver­wal­teter Strate­gien im Aktien- und Anlei­henseg­ment. Alles was wir tun, basiert auf Research. Dabei gehört unser von Pio­niergeist geprägter, aber vor­sichtiger Invest­men­tansatz seit unser­er Grün­dung im Jahr 1929 in Rot­ter­dam zu unser­er DNA. Wir sind von den Vorteilen des Sus­tain­able Invest­ing, quan­ti­ta­tiv­er Tech­niken und per­ma­nen­ter Inno­va­tion überzeugt.

Für unser Team suchen wir:

Sustainable Investing Analyst/Junior Analyst — Heavy Industries SI Research (80–100%)

Switzerland, Zürich or The Netherlands, Rotterdam

Who we are looking for

Robeco is looking for a Sustainable Investing (SI) Analyst or Junior Analyst to join their SI Research Team, focussing on Energy, Utilities, Materials and Industrials. The SI Research team is primarily based in Zurich, but also represented locally in other countries. This position would be located in Zurich or Rotterdam.

The SI Research team is responsible for identifying the most financially material sustainability factors that differentiate companies in terms of their business performance, in order to improve investment decisions. Within the SI Centre of Expertise at Robeco, SI Research contributes deep thematic, sector, and company-specific insights, helping investment teams integrate sustainability into their investment strategies. The team is also responsible for evaluating the SDG impact of companies in their coverage.

Your main responsibilities:

  • Undertake in depth and creative analysis of companies, their material sustainability risks, opportunities, and impacts, and identify the links between sustainability and business performance
  • Write sustainability profiles of companies to help investment teams identify new opportunities and make better informed investment decisions
  • Proactively participate in the investment process through investment committees and building relationships with investment teams
  • Collaborate with financial analysts (fundamental and quantitative) to demonstrate the value of sustainability research and how it can improve the risk-return profile of portfolios


  • Self-moti­va­tion, a pas­sion for sus­tain­abil­i­ty and keen inter­est in finan­cial markets
  • A com­plet­ed uni­ver­si­ty degree, ide­al­ly in a field relat­ed to sus­tain­abil­i­ty or finance
  • Work expe­ri­ence, prefer­ably in the fields of sus­tain­abil­i­ty, finance, or the ener­gy, util­i­ties, mate­ri­als or indus­tri­als sectors.
  • Excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills includ­ing writ­ten and spo­ken English

Ben­e­fi­cial expe­ri­ence (not essential):

  • Advanced user of Excel
  • Under­stand­ing of asset man­age­ment and com­mon val­u­a­tion tools for equi­ties and fixed income
  • Knowl­edge or expe­ri­ence of the indus­tries under cov­er­age, par­tic­u­lar­ly large corporations

Your soft skills:

  • Ana­lyt­i­cal mind­set, but cre­ative and flex­i­ble, able to syn­the­sise mul­ti­ple data sources and form an opinion
  • Able to work inde­pen­dent­ly yet towards team goals, coop­er­at­ing with dif­fer­ent teams in an inter­na­tion­al setting
  • Reli­able and will­ing to go the extra mile when when needed
  • Capa­ble of man­ag­ing mul­ti­ple projects and dead­lines simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, bal­anc­ing depth and qual­i­ty of research with resource efficiency

We offer

Robe­co gives ana­lysts the oppor­tu­ni­ty to have a career as a sus­tain­abil­i­ty ana­lyst, becom­ing a true spe­cial­ist on their sec­tor, with learn­ing and devel­op­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties and flex­i­ble work­ing mod­els avail­able. The suc­cess­ful can­di­date will close­ly coop­er­ate with invest­ment teams group-wide, as well as engage­ment spe­cial­ists and inter­ac­tion with com­pa­nies, and have a high degree of vis­i­bil­i­ty across the organisation.

We are look­ing for­ward to receiv­ing your com­plete appli­ca­tion papers with a moti­va­tion let­ter and indi­ca­tion of your pre­ferred indus­try focus and loca­tion. In case of ques­tions please reach out direct­ly to our Clus­ter Head — Heavy indus­tries, Ms. Eli­na Hokka­nen at elina.hokkanen@robeco.com.

All appli­ca­tions will be treat­ed with the utmost con­fi­den­tial­i­ty. An assess­ment and integri­ty test may be used in the selec­tion procedure.

Apply here:


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