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Robe­co ist eine inter­na­tionale Fonds­ge­sellschaft mit einem umfassenden Ange­bot aktiv ver­wal­teter Strate­gien im Aktien- und Anlei­henseg­ment. Alles was wir tun, basiert auf Research. Dabei gehört unser von Pio­niergeist geprägter, aber vor­sichtiger Invest­men­tansatz seit unser­er Grün­dung im Jahr 1929 in Rot­ter­dam zu unser­er DNA. Wir sind von den Vorteilen des Sus­tain­able Invest­ing, quan­ti­ta­tiv­er Tech­niken und per­ma­nen­ter Inno­va­tion überzeugt.

Für unser Team suchen wir:

Quant Equity Portfolio Manager

The Netherlands, Rotterdam

Who we are looking for

Robeco’s Investments division is responsible for the management and growth of investment funds and mandates. The Quantitative Equities Portfolio Management team is part of Quantitative Equities within the Investment division. The team is responsible for the Core Quant, Conservative Equities and Factor Investing strategies based on multi-factor stock selection models in both developed and emerging markets which combined encompass a value of more than EUR 70 billion assets. We are recognized as a top player in quant as well as sustainable investing, and hence we are looking for top candidates.

As a portfolio manager you will be responsible for managing Quant Equities portfolios, with a focus on the Multi Factor Equities portfolios. Your ultimate aim is to achieve best in class investment returns for our clients and meet their sustainability objectives. In doing this, you will ensure that our proprietary factor models are efficiently translated into optimally traded portfolios. Your focus areas are portfolio management (rebalancing, portfolio construction and analysis), high-quality servicing existing clients, writing topical (white) papers, and explaining our offerings to prospective clients. In this role, you will cooperate with various departments like our quantitative research and trading desks. On client relationship management, you will cooperate closely with client portfolio managers, account managers and international sales offices.

This position lies at the heart of the Robeco strategy. Together with a team of enthusiastic and committed professionals, you will be working on the successful realization and extension of the strategy of the department. The work is characterized by a high degree of independence on the one hand, and cooperation with colleagues from within the team and various departments on the other hand. The terms and conditions of employment are in line with market practice, and there is ample opportunity for personal development.


You have a deep under­stand­ing of quan­ti­ta­tive finance research, demon­strat­ed by sev­er­al (min­i­mum 7) years of expe­ri­ence in a com­pa­ra­ble role. You have proven your­self as a pro­fes­sion­al in an inter­na­tion­al and high-per­for­mance envi­ron­ment, hav­ing worked as quan­ti­ta­tive equi­ty port­fo­lio man­ag­er or quan­ti­ta­tive equi­ty researcher focused on fac­tor-based strate­gies. You have a Master’s and prefer­ably also a PhD degree in Finance, Eco­nom­ics, Econo­met­rics, or relat­ed field. We expect you to con­tribute to pub­li­ca­tions, and as such you have strong writ­ing skills. Fur­ther­more, pro­gram­ming skills – Python and/or any oth­er relat­ed lan­guage – are a plus.

At the per­son­al­i­ty lev­el, you can work well inde­pen­dent­ly, but at the same time work in close coop­er­a­tion with your direct col­leagues. You are result-ori­ent­ed, a team play­er, and have a “can do” men­tal­i­ty. Fur­ther­more, you com­mu­ni­cate well, you take ini­tia­tives, and you are a true ‘goal-get­ter’. Final­ly, you have strong pre­sen­ta­tion skills, both 1‑on‑1 and to larg­er audi­ences, and have a client focused mindset.

All appli­ca­tions will be treat­ed with the utmost con­fi­den­tial­i­ty. An assess­ment and integri­ty test may be used in the selec­tion procedure.

Apply here:


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