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Robe­co ist eine inter­na­tionale Fonds­ge­sellschaft mit einem umfassenden Ange­bot aktiv ver­wal­teter Strate­gien im Aktien- und Anlei­henseg­ment. Alles was wir tun, basiert auf Research. Dabei gehört unser von Pio­niergeist geprägter, aber vor­sichtiger Invest­men­tansatz seit unser­er Grün­dung im Jahr 1929 in Rot­ter­dam zu unser­er DNA. Wir sind von den Vorteilen des Sus­tain­able Invest­ing, quan­ti­ta­tiv­er Tech­niken und per­ma­nen­ter Inno­va­tion überzeugt.

Für unser Team suchen wir:

Green Bond Internship

The Netherlands, Rotterdam

Who are we looking for

RobecoSAM Global Green Bonds is one of the many sustainable investment strategies at Robeco. Green bonds are fixed-income products of which the proceeds are used to fund specific projects that have a positive impact on the environment or climate. Robeco’s Green Bonds fund aims to create a positive environmental impact while generating outperformance relative to its underlying benchmark. The fund is actively managed and invests in green bonds issued by governments, government-related agencies, and corporates.

The strategy uses a proprietary five-step bond selection framework to ensure two things:

That the bond proceeds are indeed used to positively contribute to the environment and/or climate. That the bonds adhere to internationally accepted principles for green bonds and the most recent regulatory requirements on sustainable finance.

The intern will support this process by assessing the eligibility of the green bonds and writing a concise green bond report with the main findings and conclusions, thereby cooperating extensively with our green bond specialists, credit analysts, and portfolio managers. Furthermore, the intern will help structure and consolidate the assessment information according to the most recent regulatory requirements on sustainable finance.


We are inter­est­ed in work­ing with final-stage MSc stu­dents, prefer­ably in sus­tain­abil­i­ty, finance, or (busi­ness) eco­nom­ics, with a sol­id ana­lyt­i­cal back­ground com­bined with an inter­est in sus­tain­abil­i­ty. Many of our for­mer interns grasped the oppor­tu­ni­ty to do their intern­ship dur­ing the writ­ing phase of their mas­ter the­sis in order to gain valu­able work expe­ri­ence and there­by kick­start their pro­fes­sion­al careers.

All appli­ca­tions will be treat­ed with the utmost con­fi­den­tial­i­ty. An assess­ment and integri­ty test may be used in the selec­tion procedure.

Apply here:


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