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Robe­co ist eine inter­na­tionale Fonds­ge­sellschaft mit einem umfassenden Ange­bot aktiv ver­wal­teter Strate­gien im Aktien- und Anlei­henseg­ment. Alles was wir tun, basiert auf Research. Dabei gehört unser von Pio­niergeist geprägter, aber vor­sichtiger Invest­men­tansatz seit unser­er Grün­dung im Jahr 1929 in Rot­ter­dam zu unser­er DNA. Wir sind von den Vorteilen des Sus­tain­able Invest­ing, quan­ti­ta­tiv­er Tech­niken und per­ma­nen­ter Inno­va­tion überzeugt.

Für unser Team suchen wir:

Senior Financial Risk Manager Private Debt

The Netherlands, Rotterdam

Who we are looking for

Financial Risk Management is a corporate department within the CFRO domain that supports the Executive Committee (ExCo) of Robeco by identifying, monitoring and reporting on market, counterparty, liquidity, sustainability, model, and strategic risk. As Financial Risk Manager you will be part of an international team that consists of passionate and driven risk professionals. Financial Risk Management is responsible for the risk management of both the client portfolios and the enterprise itself.

Robeco is expanding its private debt capability. The Financial Risk Management department is therefore looking for an experienced (credit) risk manager that is able to support this growth from a second line perspective.

You will be primarily responsible for the day-to-day financial risk management of our private debt capability. The ideal candidate has hands on experience in reviewing wholesale credit propositions and handling impaired loans. You have a thorough understanding of covenants, terms and conditions and loan valuation, which allows you to actively challenge and advice the loan managers on risk related matters.

Furthermore your expertise allows you to improve our risk policy framework to ensure that the specific characteristics of this capability are fully integrated. It is a dynamic role within which you will also play an active role in strategic projects of the FRM team. You will collaborate with several stakeholders (e.g. portfolio management, legal, compliance, restrictions) within the company, and will be expected to actively promote risk awareness throughout the organization.

Therefore we are looking for a dedicated and professional (credit) Risk Manager who is ready for the next step in his or her career. To succeed in this role, you have excellent analytical skills combined with a pragmatic approach, which will allow you to ensure efficient daily risk management of the investment portfolios that fall within you responsibility. You are a team player and have strong communication skills to effectively collaborate with both internal stakeholders and (potential) clients of the fund.

The position involves a variety of activities, including;

  • Day-to-day risk management for our product range, with a focus on the private debt capability.
  • Challenge private debt loan managers and review credit proposals.
  • Ensuring that our risk framework and policies cover all key risks and all relevant aspects in a consistent, transparent and proactive manner.
  • Thorough assessment of portfolio risk exposures in relation to actual and future risk drivers in financial markets
  • Creating awareness and transparency regarding the relevant risks in portfolios through communication with relevant stakeholders.
  • Contributing to and participating in relevant (credit) committees on behalf of Financial Risk Management.
  • Supporting senior management with ad-hoc risk assessments, reviews and advice.
  • Participating in various projects to enhance and continuously improve our risk framework and processes.


  • Has an aca­d­e­m­ic degree, (prefer­ably in) Econo­met­rics, Eco­nom­ics or Finance.
  • Min­i­mum of 5 years’ expe­ri­ence in (cred­it) Risk Man­age­ment, prefer­ably with­in bank­ing or the asset man­age­ment industry;
  • CFA Char­ter hold­er and/or Cer­ti­fied FRM is a plus;
  • Has strong ana­lyt­i­cal skills, accu­rate and pragmatic;
  • Works inde­pen­dent­ly while remain­ing a strong team player;
  • Pos­sess­es excel­lent com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills — both writ­ten and oral, as well as effec­tive pre­sen­ta­tion skills;
  • Is hands-on, down-to-earth, proac­tive, prob­lem-solver and result-oriented;
  • Is capa­ble to trans­late ideas into con­crete pro­pos­als and changes;

We offer

As a Dutch asset man­ag­er oper­at­ing glob­al­ly, Robe­co has always com­bined the best of both worlds. We have glob­al reach and ambi­tions, while retain­ing our head office in our home­town of Rot­ter­dam. Employ­ees at Robe­co share that com­bi­na­tion: we hire and nur­ture peo­ple who can think inter­na­tion­al­ly and put the client first, while keep­ing their feet firm­ly on the ground. We have strong links with acad­e­mia, which under­pin the research in our robust quan­ti­ta­tive and sus­tain­abil­i­ty invest­ing strate­gies. Our peo­ple have back­grounds in finance but also in eco­nom­ics and geog­ra­phy. Like­wise, as pio­neers in emerg­ing mar­kets invest­ing, our diverse back­grounds also add local knowl­edge. We offer an infor­mal and flex­i­ble office atmos­phere that gives peo­ple the room to be them­selves, to grow and to per­form to the best of their ability.

  • A chal­leng­ing and var­ied posi­tion in a pro­fes­sion­al envi­ron­ment and rapid­ly chang­ing industry;
  • An orga­ni­za­tion that wel­comes per­son­al input and ini­tia­tive with short report­ing lines to senior management;
  • Plen­ty of room for self-development;
  • Excel­lent terms of employment

All appli­ca­tions will be treat­ed with the utmost con­fi­den­tial­i­ty. An assess­ment and integri­ty test may be used in the selec­tion procedure.

Apply here:


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